Our goal here at Zion Upper Room is to have something to offer everyone of all ages. There is always something going on to keep everyone engaged.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Department is very robust. We do Youth Camp every year for children and teens of all ages. The department offer's scholarships to our College students through Dollars for Scholars and new shoes to our school age children with our Shoes for School program. We have a Kings and Queens Program that helps kids with teens with today's issue they face. Every 1st Sunday we have sacrificial prayer and offer free breakfast to our college students and provide gas cards and toiletries for the month to them.
Music Department
Our music department has members of all ages. They rehearse every Monday and Thursday night. The assistant Minister of Music works with the youth interested in being apart of the Music Ministry. We have a Praise Team, Choir and youth choir.
Missionary Ministry
We enjoy helping our community. We offer free neighborhood activities for kids with free food. Our church has done clothing drives before school to provide free cloths to the community and backpacks full of school supplies.
Sunday School Ministry
Sunday School starts at 10:00 every Sunday. We have classes for all ages, starting at 3 years old to adult classed. Free breakfast is served for anyone attending Sunday School.
Prayer Ministry
Evening Prayer is every Monday at 6:00 pm. Its an opportunity to come pray and have personal time with God. We also offer morning prayer at 7am Monday-Friday.
Every 5th Sunday is dedicated to our Seniors. They are in charge of the service. Monthly outings are scheduled for the seniors.